Comprehensive Tutorial: How to Debug BK7238 Kernel Crash Logs
BK7238 system abnormal restart case analysis
When a system exception occurs, the following log will be printed:
data abort Current regs: r00:0x0040df91 r01:0x00001122 r02:0x00000000 r03:0x0000000a r04:0x00000001 r05:0x0040bc00 r06:0x0007cb81 r07:0x0040bba0 r08:0x08080808 r09:0x09090909 r10:0x10101010 fp :0x11111111 ip :0x00001868 sp :0x004003d0 lr :0x0007cb5e pc :0x0007cb5e SPSR:0x0000003f CPSR:0x00000097 separate regs: SYS:cpsr r8-r14 0x0000009f 0x08080808 0x09090909 0x10101010 0x11111111 0x00001868 0x0041cd20 0x0007cb7f IRQ:cpsr spsr r8-r14 0x00000092 0x6000001f 0x08080808 0x09090909 0x10101010 0x11111111 0x00001868 0x00401c08 0x003f0fb4 FIQ:cpsr spsr r8-r14 0x00000091 0x00000010 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00400c18 0x00e862ac ABT:cpsr spsr r8-r14 0x00000097 0x0000003f 0x08080808 0x09090909 0x10101010 0x11111111 0x00001868 0x004003c8 0x0007cb5e UND:cpsr spsr r8-r14 0x0000009b 0x00000010 0x08080808 0x09090909 0x10101010 0x11111111 0x00001868 0x00400418 0x9ec700a0 SVC:cpsr spsr r8-r14 0x00000093 0x6000001f 0x08080808 0x09090909 0x10101010 0x11111111 0x00001868 0x004023d8 0x00016e94 shutdown...
First, keep the beken7238_bsp.elf file corresponding to the firmware version, dump it into an asm file through the ARM toolchain tool, and use the following command:
arm-none-eabi-objdump -d out/beken7231_bsp.elf >out/beken7231_bsp.asm
Find several key points from the exception log:
1. SPSR register: 0x0000003f.
Check the ARM mode table and you can see that it was SYS mode before the exception.
2. PC register: 0x7cb5e
The PC register is a general-purpose register used to store the address of the exception handler. When an exception occurs (such as an interrupt or exception), the processor saves the current instruction address into the PC register and then jumps to the exception handler.
0007cb50 <printf_data_data_abort>: 7cb50: b510 push {r4, lr} 7cb52: 4903 ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; (7cb60 <printf_data_data_abort+0x10>) 7cb54: 3001 adds r0, #1 7cb56: 8001 strh r1, [r0, #0] 7cb58: 4802 ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (7cb64 <printf_data_data_abort+0x14>) 7cb5a: f79c f85d bl 18c18 <bk_printf> 7cb5e: bd10 pop {r4, pc} 7cb60: 00001122 .word 0x00001122 7cb64: 000a37c5 .word 0x000a37c5 0007cb68 <data_abort_test>: 7cb68: 200a movs r0, #10 7cb6a: b510 push {r4, lr} 7cb6c: f023 ffd4 bl a0b18 <__os_malloc_from_thumb> 7cb70: 2300 movs r3, #0 7cb72: 54c3 strb r3, [r0, r3] 7cb74: 3301 adds r3, #1 7cb76: 2b0a cmp r3, #10 7cb78: d1fb bne.n 7cb72 <data_abort_test+0xa> 7cb7a: f7ff ffe9 bl 7cb50 <printf_data_data_abort> 7cb7e: bd10 pop {r4, pc}
Important: Since the ARM instruction execution method is a pipeline operation, that is, when the first instruction starts to be executed, the second instruction can be decoded and the third instruction can be fetched at the same time. So the problem lies in the ldr instruction 0x7cb58 .
Judging from the exception log, r0=0x0040df91 is a non-four-byte aligned address and a word-read operation results in a non-aligned exception access.
3. SYS mode corresponds to r14 (LR) register: 0x7cb7f
- LR is used to assist PC pointer positioning problems.
- The LR register is a general purpose register used to store the return address of a function call. When a function calls another function, the return address of the current function will be saved to the RA register so that after the sub-function is executed, it can correctly return to the next instruction of the calling function.
- During a function call, the value of the LR register is usually saved by the caller, and in the called function, it is used to save the return address. When the function executes the return instruction, the return address is read from the LR register and jumps to the corresponding location to continue execution.